We have several convenient methods for you to pay your utility bill.
Pay Online or by Phone
Pay online or set up automatic recurring payments at MyAccount. Payments made through MyAccount will be processed by Payment Service Network.
To pay by phone, call 1-877-885-7968. Please have your bill available so you can provide your account number. A convenience fee of $4.40 (effective 11-1-2021) per $300 transaction will be added to your payment.
Automatic Payment (no service charge)
Payments can also be made by automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account. The automatic payment plan will help you in several ways:
- Saves you time because there are fewer checks to write.
- Helps meet your commitment in a convenient and timely manner - even if you are on vacation or out of town.
- Maintains good credit - your payment is always on time and there are not lost or misplaced statements.
- Saves postage.
- Easy to sign up for, easy to cancel.
The automatic payment plan is dependable, flexible, convenient and easy. To take advantage of this service, fill out the Automatic Payment Application and return it to the Waterloo Utilities office with a voided check or or sign up using MyAccount.
When enrolled in this convenient service, you will continue to receive a statement detailing the amount to be debited from your savings or checking account on the due date.
Pay by Mail
Payment can be sent to:
Waterloo Utilities
575 Commercial Ave
Waterloo, WI 53594
Please include the top stub of the bill to assure that your account is properly credited.
Drop Box
As an additional convenience, there is a gray drop box located at the utility office at 575 Commercial Avenue. Postage is not necessary when using the drop box.