Electric Department

Line Work

Waterloo Utilities maintains an electric distriubtion system that services over 1,800 customers in the City of Waterloo and the Township of Portland in Wisconsin.  Our electric staff is responsible for maintaining our substations, transformers, poles, overhead and underground infrastructure, and meters.

The electric meter on your building and the transformers that bring you power are property of Waterloo Utilities. Occasionally it is necessary for employees of Waterloo Utilities to work on these pieces of equipment for routine maintenance and testing. These activities are needed to accurately measure consumption and assure a reliable source of electrical energy.

Access to that equipment is critical for the safe and efficient performance of these very important tasks. Because of this needed access and the safety issues involved, there are certain regulations and guidelines that are outlined in the National Electric Code and The Wisconsin Administrative Code.

Some of these rules are:

  • There shall be a minimum of three feet of unobstructed working space measured from the meter face in front of the meter. This space shall extend from the floor or ground level to a height of six feet three inches.
  • The unobstructed space in front of meter cabinets, current transformer cabinets and transformer loss cabinets shall also be from grade to a height of six feet three inches. This requirement is defined in the National Electric Code Section 110-16.
  • Underground transformers require eight feet of workspace to the front of the transformer, three feet on the sides and two feet in the back. For underground pedestals, the available workspace must be three feet on all four sides.
  • If it is necessary for Waterloo Utilities personnel to get near the equipment and shrubs are planted too close or other materials are stored too near, you may be asked to remove the obstructions. Please understand that these rules and regulations are in force to help Waterloo Utilities maintain the electrical equipment that provide you low cost reliable electrical energy and to ensure the safety and efficiency of our employees.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about this or any other energy-related concerns, please contact us at 920 478-2260.