Waterloo Water and Light Commission has filed an application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) to increase electric rates. The adjustment is necessary in order to cover inflationary increases in operation and maintenance expenses that will allow the utility to continue providing reliable and quality service to our customers. The last electric rate increase was approved in March 2021.
The utility is requesting an overall increase above the electric utility’s present revenues of 9.35%, or $402,819. This request is detailed in Waterloo Water and Light Commission’s electric rate application submitted to the PSCW on November 9, 2023. After review, Commission staff proposed a revised increase in rates of $359,680 or 8.35%. The actual change to individual customers will vary with electricity usage, class of service and the ultimate rates authorized by the Commission. If the application is approved by the PSCW, per staff recommendation, the average residential customer using 663 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per month will see a monthly increase of approximately $9.22, or 10.4%.
An audiovisual hearing on the application has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (CDT). This virtual hearing has no physical location at PSCW’s office in Madison, WI. Members of the public may attend by internet or telephone or listen to the live broadcast on the PSCW’s website at under the “PSC Live Broadcast” button.
Connection Instructions:
• To join by audiovisual internet connection:
1. Go to: Zoom at
2. Select: Join A Meeting
3. Enter: pschearings (Personal Link Name)
• To join by audio-only telephone connection:
1. Dial: +1 312 626 6799
2. Enter: 809 513 2930# (Meeting ID)
PUBLIC COMMENTS. A person may testify in this proceeding without becoming a party and without attorney representation. A person may submit this testimony in only one of the following ways:
- Web Comment. Go to the Commission's web site at, click on "File a Comment" button. On the next page, select the "File a comment" link that appears for docket number 6220-ER-108. Web comments shall be received no later than Thursday, April 11, 2024.
- Oral Comment. Spoken testimony at the virtual public session. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) may receive an oral comment from any member of the public in attendance at the Public Hearing Session. The ALJ will receive an oral comment by unmuting each member of the public connected, and inviting that person to comment.
- Mail Comment. Send a comment by U.S. mail. All comments submitted by U.S. mail shall be received no later than Thursday, April 11, 2024. A mail comment shall include the phrase "Docket 6220-ER-108 Comments" in the heading, and shall be addressed to:
Docket 6220-ER-108 Comments
Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 7854, Madison, WI 53707-7854.
The Commission will not accept comments submitted via e-mail or facsimile (fax).
CONTACT. Please direct questions about this docket or requests for additional accommodations for persons with a disability to the Commission’s docket coordinator, Samantha Jurvich (PSCW) at (608) 266-5481 or email and refer to the Waterloo electric rate application under Docket 6220-ER-108.
Barry Sorenson
Waterloo Water & Light Commission
(920) 478-2260
March 8, 2024